Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien .mp3
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Consequences of Sentencing Someone to Death


Of course, who would not want a quicker way to dispose of a murderer? It is both a cheap and an entertaining way to watch you're enemy slowly die. Just imagine yourself as a parent, one day you come home from work and you spotted your neighbor eating your children alive. How would you feel? Would you want him to face the worst consequences ever? Would you ever want to see his face again? After what you have experience, the trauma, the psychological disturbance, the mental breakdown issues, I THINK NOT! It would be great to watch your worst nightmare slowly die hanging on a noose, trust me.

Of course I'm not saying that the only reason why the death sentence have not yet been abolished is because of retribution from the victim; there are other reasons as well, both economical and political. Some of the reasons are listed bellow: - 

  1. It would be costly to keep a criminal alive instead of just throwing him 6 feet underground.
  2. It might cause a stir and people would probably going on strike if the government lets an infamous criminal loose in the public. 
  3. The crime rate which are punishable by death sentence would probably shoot up dramatically.


I once had a close friend, who was accused of 3 counts of murder and 4 counts of rape. He was then found guilty and prosecuted, that means he will have to face the death penalty. Eight miserable years later he was hanged; an eye witness claimed that it took him 10 minutes to die, 7 inches of his tongue was hanging from his mouth. Five hours new evidence were submitted to the high court which proved that he was innocent! 

Jokes aside,
I was joking,
It happens
 all the time!
And it might happen to you one day!
How would you feel if your father suffers the same fate
like my poor friend who died for nothing?
For your information
My friend was only
aged 18 when the 
prosecution was 
read, his family 
members were 
crying, they 
could not

Reasons why the death penalty should be abolished:

  1. The sentence is irreversible; meaning that mistakes in prosecution are unacceptable.
  2. Ethical issues; religious people believe that only God decide's whether to end your life or not.
  3. It is unnecessary; might as well just sentence him to life imprisonment than kill him, it doesn't make you any better than him.


1 comment:

  1. Good argument. I like the way u explained your views in detail and provided examples.
    However, I have to disagree with you about being for the death penalty. I don't think it being too costly is a good enough excuse for taking someone life away. Also countries like Australia don't have a death penalty and they seem to get along fine. With proper enforcement, this shouldnt be a problem.
    Anyway, they are great ideas :)
