Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien .mp3
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Monday, March 21, 2011

12 Angry Men

A boy was suspected in the murder of his father. He is ordered to the court to attend the trial to determine whether he would face the death sentence. His fate lies beneath the hands of 12 jurors, and unfortunately for him, all of them were not taking him seriously; all except one. It was a hot Friday afternoon; no one was expected to work overtime and most of them have better things to do elsewhere. No one wanted to be there in the stuffy room, not even the fan was working. Everyone wanted to get over with it, so they made a quick voting of guilty or not guilty. Everyone voted guilty, except for one man. He was the only one who stand for his vote. No one was happy with the fact that he rebelled with the rest of the jury. He persuaded everyone of them that the boy is guilty, and one by one, the jurors were persuaded to join his side. The man has a natural talent in investigating cases such as these, and he put it into good use in persuading almost everyone to vote not guilty. However one stubborn man decided to protest against the good man's argument due to his own personal reasons. In the end, he submitted and admitted to his stubbornness and therefore agreed with the good man's argument. 

I would give this movie a 4 out of 5. It has an interesting plot, and story. Although it may be a low budget movie, the story is well organized, and the actors played their part very well. The acting was fantastic; the emotion the actors showed, the dialogue. Unfortunately the movie was a bit of a low budget movie. The whole movie was only scened in one area: the room. In conclusion, the movie is not bad, despite it being a low budget movie.  


  1. An interesting review. You've accurately summarised the key points of the movie and considered how 1 man can influence others, if he has the evidence to support his ideas.
    - Re-read the final couple of paragraphs you seem to have confused guilty and not guilty.
    - You need to compare 2 jurors who changed their opinions to show how evidence can be used to determine 'the facts'.
    Miss Suzy

  2. I liked the part where you elaborated about the fact that almost everyone was impatient to get this case over with. However, I got a little confused at the end as you labelled the people in the jury as the 'good man' and 'stubborn man'. And that of what Ms Suzy said. Your comments pulled through though. 'The acting was fantastic'- couldn't agree more! (:

  3. Nice you summarize the whole story :D I agree with you that there's an interesting plot and also low budget part :D only film at one place. Good review :)

  4. It is a detailed summary about the whole story. You can actually add in some more evaluation about the jurors instead of just the movie plot. :D
