Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien .mp3
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pro and against Death Penalty.

Me and Nicole worked on this last minute, forgive us for the bad grammar and language. If you commented on Nicole's work, don't bother commenting on mine because ours are similar. Thank Facebook for allowing us to communicate to execute the task. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Pro death penalty 1
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Anti dp
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Monday, March 21, 2011

12 Angry Men

A boy was suspected in the murder of his father. He is ordered to the court to attend the trial to determine whether he would face the death sentence. His fate lies beneath the hands of 12 jurors, and unfortunately for him, all of them were not taking him seriously; all except one. It was a hot Friday afternoon; no one was expected to work overtime and most of them have better things to do elsewhere. No one wanted to be there in the stuffy room, not even the fan was working. Everyone wanted to get over with it, so they made a quick voting of guilty or not guilty. Everyone voted guilty, except for one man. He was the only one who stand for his vote. No one was happy with the fact that he rebelled with the rest of the jury. He persuaded everyone of them that the boy is guilty, and one by one, the jurors were persuaded to join his side. The man has a natural talent in investigating cases such as these, and he put it into good use in persuading almost everyone to vote not guilty. However one stubborn man decided to protest against the good man's argument due to his own personal reasons. In the end, he submitted and admitted to his stubbornness and therefore agreed with the good man's argument. 

I would give this movie a 4 out of 5. It has an interesting plot, and story. Although it may be a low budget movie, the story is well organized, and the actors played their part very well. The acting was fantastic; the emotion the actors showed, the dialogue. Unfortunately the movie was a bit of a low budget movie. The whole movie was only scened in one area: the room. In conclusion, the movie is not bad, despite it being a low budget movie.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cyber Bullying - Nazar and Chong Wei (childish matters)

Nazar, a Grade 9 student, transferred to a new school halfway through the semester. He had trouble making friends until he discovered the school’s Facebook network. Most of the other students on Facebook responded to his “friend” requests and he soon began to feel more included, and made friends with some of them at school as well.

After a while, though, Nazar noticed that his friends list was shrinking as people removed him from their friends lists. He was puzzled by this at first until one of his offline friends told him that Chong Wei, a Grade 11 student, had gotten angry at Nazar because he had seen Nazar talking to Linda, Chong Wei’s ex-girlfriend. Chong Wei had begun to pressure everyone he knew to remove Nazar and Linda from their friends lists on Facebook, and to ignore them at school as well.

One afternoon in the Library, Nazar got more and more angry at Chong Wei and his friends. Since he had finished his work for the period, he decided to start aFacebook group called “Why I Hate Chong Wei,” and he invited everyone still on his friends list to join it. It turned out that there were quite a few people at the school who did not like Chong Wei and his friends, and Nazar’s group grew quickly. Whenever the message traffic on the group slowed, Nazar would try to boost it by posting some shocking accusation about Chong Wei, such as suggesting that he had cheated on Linda or that he had hit her when they were dating (Linda was not involved in the group, and had never said any such thing).

Soon other members of the group started to make their own accusations and suggestions about Chong Wei, some even saying that Chong Wei should have water balloons thrown at him when he went up the main stairway. Nazar responded to that suggestion, saying rocks should be thrown instead.

After a few weeks, one of Chong Wei’s friends discovered the group and reported it to him. Chong Wei told his parents and they decided to report it to the principal and keep him out of school until things had been worked out, as well as to report what Nazar had done to the police.

In this case the perpetrator and the target would both me Nazar and Chong Wei. Both of them committed the offense and both of them are the victim. Chong Wei started it all by provoking Nazar, but in my opinion Nazar is the one to blame in this because he produced false accusation to the public about Chong Wei. Chong Wei only sparked hatred on Nazar internally in school but Nazar spread the false accusations about Chong Wei to the public.

In my opinion Chong Wei have applied the act of 'Excluding' to Nazar in a form of cyber bullying. Chong Wei have pressured his peers to single out Nazar in order to leave him out or exclude him in society in school. Unfortunately, Nazar had used a worse form of cyber bullying against Chong Wei, which is 'Insulting'. Nazar have provided false accusations about Chong Wei abusing his ex-girlfriend. This could lead damaging his reputation or cause him to be condemned by the public. This can lead into misinterpretation in the public as well.

As a police officer, I would follow my instinct, and throw Nazar into jail instead of Chong Wei. Chong Wei's form of cyber bullying is intended to single out Nazar, but Nazar's form of cyber bullying is intended to insult or damage Chong Wei's reputation. However both cases should not go unnoticed, as both Nazar's and Chong Wei's parents should be informed about this occasion. I personally think this occurrence is just a childish matter and could be easily avoided.       

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Read each of the scenarios below, and rate the seriousness of each one from 1 to 5, where:

1 = Totally acceptable and appropriate   
2 = Possibly wrong, but no action needs to be taken
3 = Wrong, and school authorities or Internet service providers should take action
4 = Wrong, and civil action could be taken by the target or the target’s parents
5 = Wrong, and criminal charges should be pressed

For any scenario you rate as a 3, 4 or 5, think about who is responsible, who should take action and what action should be taken.

             1.A student posts a negative review of a concert given by another student’s band. The review focuses on the band members’ skill as musicians and the quality of their music.

 2. A student posts a story making fun of a teacher, suggesting that he is unqualified to teach. The teacher’s name is not used, but he is clearly recognizable to anyone who knows him.

3.    A student uploads to YouTube a video of his band performing a song that makes fun of teachers. No specific teacher is named or is identifiable from the song.

4.    A student writes a letter to the school administration stating that a teacher has used improper discipline in class.

5.    A student finds that photos of her, which were taken by her (now ex) boyfriend have been uploaded to his Facebook page. Then they were copied and reproduced in many more places, including photo-sharing sites. Her ex-boyfriend says that he is not responsible for what was done with the photos after he uploaded them.

6.    A teacher asks students in her class to help write holiday greetings in a variety of languages for the school’s Web site. Without the teacher’s knowledge, one of the students’ contributions is a false and insulting statement against another teacher. 

7.    During an instant messaging session with several participants, a student accuses her boyfriend of cheating on her.

8.    A student creates a Web site in which she criticizes school policies and suggests that several teachers, whom she names, are overly strict in their discipline.

9.    A student creates a Facebook group in which he states that one of his teachers is a space alien who is scheming to abduct students and take them to her home planet.

10.  A teacher discovers that students are being pressured by a popular student to remove an unpopular student from their Facebook “friends” lists.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The disability of Maxwell- Selectivity perception

Selectivity of perception
  1.  A child dying in poverty as seen by a doctor, economist, a social worker, the child’s father.
  •  Doctor (Nicole) : Inabilit  for medical aid to reach poor people
  • Social worker (Kai Song): We should help those who do not have the ability to support their child/ family.  We are responsible to bring them up maybe in orphanages.  
  • Economist (Maxwell) : Economic gap is getting bigger and this is not a healthy thing for a society.  We should try to find out ways to improve the social and living condition, by providing mor job opportunities
  • Child's father (Bryan): I think that it is very sad o see my child dying in front of my eyes but I really do not have the ability to provide him with what he is entitled to. I felt sorry but I too hope that there will be aid from the society to help the poors.  
  1. A sunset as seen by a religious figure, a physicist, an artist, a farmer
  • Religious figure (Bryan): Nothing is eternal.  Everyone will die one day, no matter how healthy you are, how wealthy you are.  Like the sun, it will set one day.  Pray, listen to God, and you will have a wonderful life after death.  
  • Artist (Nicole): This is a perfect opportunity for me to express the beauty of nature
  • Physicist (Kai Song):  *Cough* Listen carefully, this is caused by the earth rotating around the axis.  Issac Newton has discovered gravity.... bla bla bla bla bla
  • Farmer (Maxwell) : End of a day, I can finally go home, what a hard day! Nicole, my wife will not kill me as I have brought sawi home.  And finally, my vegetables can rest from photosynthesis.
  1.  A tree as seen by a biologist, a logger, an environmentalist, a native from Sarawak.
  • Logger (Nicole): The forest is a gold mine.  *sings* "Money money money, must be funny int eh rich man's world"
  • A biologist (Bryan): To the logger, please stop cutting down tress as they lock up carbon dioxide.  Without tress, there will be a rise in the earth's temperature..... *Continues for 30 minutes lecture*
  • An environmentalist (Maxwell): Agree with the biologist. We borrowed nature from God and we owed it from the future generation.  
  • A native from Sarawak (Kai Song): See, now I can't go and use my sumpit due to the lack of forests.  Loggers, please go away, I am gonna ask my cannibal friends to eat your brains.   

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Consequences of Sentencing Someone to Death


Of course, who would not want a quicker way to dispose of a murderer? It is both a cheap and an entertaining way to watch you're enemy slowly die. Just imagine yourself as a parent, one day you come home from work and you spotted your neighbor eating your children alive. How would you feel? Would you want him to face the worst consequences ever? Would you ever want to see his face again? After what you have experience, the trauma, the psychological disturbance, the mental breakdown issues, I THINK NOT! It would be great to watch your worst nightmare slowly die hanging on a noose, trust me.

Of course I'm not saying that the only reason why the death sentence have not yet been abolished is because of retribution from the victim; there are other reasons as well, both economical and political. Some of the reasons are listed bellow: - 

  1. It would be costly to keep a criminal alive instead of just throwing him 6 feet underground.
  2. It might cause a stir and people would probably going on strike if the government lets an infamous criminal loose in the public. 
  3. The crime rate which are punishable by death sentence would probably shoot up dramatically.


I once had a close friend, who was accused of 3 counts of murder and 4 counts of rape. He was then found guilty and prosecuted, that means he will have to face the death penalty. Eight miserable years later he was hanged; an eye witness claimed that it took him 10 minutes to die, 7 inches of his tongue was hanging from his mouth. Five hours new evidence were submitted to the high court which proved that he was innocent! 

Jokes aside,
I was joking,
It happens
 all the time!
And it might happen to you one day!
How would you feel if your father suffers the same fate
like my poor friend who died for nothing?
For your information
My friend was only
aged 18 when the 
prosecution was 
read, his family 
members were 
crying, they 
could not

Reasons why the death penalty should be abolished:

  1. The sentence is irreversible; meaning that mistakes in prosecution are unacceptable.
  2. Ethical issues; religious people believe that only God decide's whether to end your life or not.
  3. It is unnecessary; might as well just sentence him to life imprisonment than kill him, it doesn't make you any better than him.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What questions do I need to ask?

Who is Mahatma Gandhi to every Indian's around the world?
What offenses did Mahatma Gandhi commit?
Why did Mahatma Gandhi commit the crimes if he knew it was wrong?
When did Mahatma Gandhi became famous and finally showing the world what he was fighting for?
Where did Mahatma Gandhi die?
How did Mahatma Gandhi die?

Courts and Lawyers

During the visit to the Palace of Justice, I actually felt guilty and scared. I was afraid that the offenses I committed in my lifetime would be judged sometime in my lifetime. The size of the entrance of the Palace of Justice weakens the heart of the bravest men. I suddenly felt like I was in the movie "I Am Sam"; the part where the mentally ill Sean Paul walks into court to claim his daughter. So we went to the conference hall to watch a presentation. The presentation describes the different types of courts in Malaysia. Good questions were asked and I learned that people sentenced to execution would get a wish list before the the sentence was conduct. Later on we went to a real court to witness a civil court in action. The situation there was intense, involving a dead mother' children wanting to sue someone. It is confusing yet interesting; I could have swore I almost shouted out a comment to the judge (3 months jail term). 

Ramesh Chandran is a lawyer. I am still shocked and surprised that he actually took the initiative to visit our school to give a presentation about lawyers. He left a good impression to the whole class, although he had a sore throat and had to breath every five words he spoke.