Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien .mp3
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Dumping- Heartless Parents and New Born Babies

The baby dumping offense has yet again found its way to be the most popular crime in Malaysia. I find crimes in Malaysia rather interesting and more violent. Violent crimes in other countries, especially European countries, have definitely a higher count rate comparing with Malaysia. But the thing is, victims in Malaysia are usually children or toddlers, and in this case, babies. Baby dumping in Malaysia
is so common, it has a higher count rate comparing with arm robberies.

The government has tried so much to help lower the crime rate of baby dumping, but all in vain. Baby dumping is still one of the commonest crimes committed in Malaysia. The minister of education have issued sex education as a compulsory subject and thought in every national school through out the country. Some religious departments even considered ridiculous ideas to lower the crime rate, some of them even considered banning the International Celebration: Valentine's Day. The PAS chief declared that Valentine's Day is one of the main cause of the high count rate of baby dumping.

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