Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Sunday, September 25, 2011


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Maxwell Lim Hong Wei.

    I find your IP very interesting because it is rather a sticky subject to talk about but I certainly applaud your courage to speak about this subject. And I would also like to know if there are any other sources to gain first hand information about 1Malaysia aside from surveys.

    And why does your poster have that Kelab Umno Moscow thing? Isn't Moscow in Russia?

    Cool poster! :D

  3. Hi Maxwell, I like your idea of choosing this topic as it's is a controversial topic in Malaysia. I guess you have found a wide range of opinions (Although some are negative) from Malaysians. This is particularly important as the Malaysian government really spent a lot of time and money on this project to unite Malaysians.

    About the types of multimedia used, I really salute you for creating such as long video. May I know what you included in the video? Did you obtain interviews with the Malaysia government about their policy? Did you go to the 1Malaysia store to discover the reason behind the implementation? Or did you get pictures and video clips form the Internet? :O I am just curious as I tried to make a video but it kinda failed in the end...

    Cool poster though :) I agree with Nicole, why do you have the Kelab Umno Moscow thing?
