Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Monday, October 17, 2011

Reflection 3

We started with a focus topic which was relatively broad and interesting, but ended up with a topic that was I quote from Ms. Gita "What my year 5 pupils do".

Picture a group of warriors that were well trained with a broad sword, but all they got was a crossbow which they do not know how it works. As much as I would hate to admit, we are such people.

All we do is work, and I have to admit are easily influenced.

I have observed other groups. Their group members are naturally well structured without them realizing. One such group has Jacelyn, who is ambitious, a natural whip cracker who wouldn't hesitate to tell someone off if they're not working hard enough.

I guess not everything goes as the way it is planned, nor hoped. We will have to stick together, as we are a group that works. Someone will have to take charge, and I will not hesitate to do so if the time suits. Right now every member's a leader.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Reflection 2

On the last GP lesson, we continued on our mock group project about peak oil. We started on our peak oil wiki, and basically wrote everything that is relevant down.

The only difference is that we had to finish the fishbone diagram. It's quite simple; write everything about peak oil from the national's, global's and future's perspective.

Yes we did allocate specific roles.

Yes we did work as a team, Hong Yi can barely speak English, so I had to translate everything to him.

Yes, we learnt how to help each other out in hard times.

We could've stuck to topic more. Because over time we seem to have drifted off topic and chat.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Group Project Reflection

Last week, we were told to start on the mock group project on 'Peak Oil'. We were asked to refer to all the links on Knowledge Net and jot down notes about every link on Peak Oil. My group decided to spread the work among ourselves.

I had to watch a video and to read an article. I think working together as a team is more efficient than working alone as an individual. If two heads are better than one, one definitely do not stand a chance against four.